Reflecting takayna

Catapulted back to society

As if immersion in the remote vast takayna wilderness was a dream

Time stood still

Dreams of ancients

Of dunes as big as rolling hills

Spacious, sand printing sifting sinking

Grains of sand blown against patches of bare skin

Bare feet and worn boots imprint the earth below

Sand falls between fingers smooth between toes

Sun reaches exposed skin

Kilometres ahead

Kilometres behind


Collision of rock earth wind water fire

Sculpted elementals


Living spaces of takayna people once inhabited

Middens…intact largely untouched

Until colonial arrivals

Evidence of modern day recreationists disregard cultural significance

Driving over culture in big wheel vehicles

Driving over the past

Abundance of shellfish sustenance remains

Coastal livelihood once sustained

Until colonial arrivals

Wind carries stories

Whispers reminders

Each day each moment there is only here and now

No thoughts of work lists shopping alarms or pandemic

Nowhere to be except the present moment

Planning days of reaching creeks and tidal river crossings

Summer dwindles rivers to creeks to salty stream trickles

Sipping to taste

Continue on, try the next creek

One foot in front of other

13, 13, 16, 21, 13, 5 kilometre day walking

Pushing through pain

Weary body heavy feet and pack

Step step step 

Gratitude each time he helps to lift pack onto my back

Bearing heavy life sustaining water

Pausing with gratitude to savour breaks and moments

Shadow of shade behind rock

Large brim hat provides shade under exposed dune sun

Tarp shields wind

Bivvy cocoons

Merging within landscape

Body lets go

Releases back to the earth

Blood drops connecting to not barren

Body mind soul sinks into deep restful sleep at each day’s end

All sustaining

Eagles gulls beetles devils wallabies abundance of birds


Tracks everywhere scattered

Home to no present day humans

Home to all life

Yet home is here now

Days of just us

Approaching human marks on landscape edging closer to shacks

Witnessing now those who drive over sacred land

Mad Max vehicles motorbikes big wheel trucks

Weaving by foot along side by side to tire mark imprints in sand

But we, we tread lightly

We, only ones on foot

This remote wild landscape

She changes thoughts changes perspectives

She brings forth contemplation

Passing shadows of sorrow and grief with breaths of expansiveness

She is alive

Constantly changing, adapting

Wild raw rugged powerful beauty

Swirling among sand



She must be protected

She is takayna



lunawuni / Bruny Island


mapali rehearsal 2021, pataway / burnie