Philosopher Falls, Waratah lutruwita / Tasmania

Time spent among forest delights on Phil O’Neill’s Annual Photography Weekend. The last couple of months have felt especially hectic, and this was probably the first weekend in a seemingly long time that I’ve allowed myself to slow down, relax, put my stresses aside, enjoy the company of a wonderful group of friends with a shared common interest.. photography of course! Taking a walk in this forest all that seemed to matter was taking in the macro and become one with the peace that permeates this natural environment. No worries of what is ahead this week, of what assignments or study is looming on my plate, of preparing for a home move and another brief contract interstate soon.. of an upcoming solo week in the wilderness in the very near future and preparations yet to complete.. all that seemed to matter was the investigation of the little forest floor and surrounds. I realise that by putting attention to what is right in front of me brings me into the present moment, with focus, curiosity, wonder, and peace. I recommend everyone take a bit of time out of each day to do just this. Hope you enjoy a moment or two captured here as much as I did.


Light shapes and flow among season transitions - High Country Victoria


kanamaluka / River Tamar, lutruwita / Tasmania