BioBlitz 2022 - science for takayna


November 13, 2022. Bioblitz 2022 by Bob Brown Foundation took place in takayna / Tarkine, in various areas from the plains to the forests, mostly all threatened areas filled with endangered and endemic species. There were scientists galore, a plethora of presentations, volunteers from all over Tasmania and Australia, and all involved were captivated from the macro to the wide view aspects of life and biodiversity found in takayna Tarkine this weekend.

This was my second Bioblitz attended, this time happened to be around experts on orchids on more than one occasion. Loved seeing new species of orchids currently endangered, happy to spend some time at McKimmie Forest, and watching people’s expressions as some walked through this forest for the first time. Bioblitz is the perfect opportunity for an intimate discovery of microenvironments and understanding from a different angle the enviornment that enables the biodiversity in this region to thrive. Every organism living in synergy with its surroundings, interdependent living beings cycle the lifecycle, the life-giving force of creation surrounds, breathing in the fresh air, yet some scars remain at what has been lost, what still stands as we fight to protect her.. takayna..


Millowl (Phillip Island)


lunawuni / Bruny Island